Meet Our Founder - Meliza

Since I was a little girl, I have always been fairly organized and visual.

List-making has always been important to me, as writing things down and having the ability to visually track my progress helps keep things in order. These tools have been instrumental in shaping who I am today. Yet, I couldn't find anything that I could wear to help me reach my goals. There was a gap for a cute and stylish accessory to help me achieve my goals.

Despite achieving many traditional markers of success, including a wonderful family and a thriving career as an executive leader in human behavioral methodologies, innovation, and digital solutions, I feel a deep desire for something more.

As a patent holder inventor and accredited behavioral specialist, I'm driven by a passion to create a space and innovative products based on science to help humans exceed their own expectations and imagine greater possibilities for themselves.

Loops Life was born! The idea was simple yet powerful, based on science and the laws of behavior change, make it:

1. obvious

2. easy

3. attractive

4. satisfying

This inspired the creation of a pretty, dainty bracelet based on our internal Habit Loops. They not only track habits but also serves as cheerleader and accountability partner providing a visual reminder and a daily reward.

"Loops Life is more than a business to me; it’s a mission to empower humans to reach their fullest potential. By wearing our Loops bracelets, we remind ourselves daily of our strength, resilience, and capacity for growth."

This is my journey, and I invite you to join me on it, as we create a space where we can all be bigger, bolder, and better than we ever imagined.

Let Loops support you on a journey to a better YOU and break your loop!


Early Stages

The Need: I was tired of using lists and journals that didn’t keep me accountable for my goals. After searching the internet, I couldn’t find anything that truly helped.

The Research: I started looking into and designing potential solutions to fill this gap.

Learning: I dove into the science of habit formation and behavior motivation to figure out how to create an effective tool.


Development Phase

Collaboration: Sister Duo (Meliza and Carrie) teamed up to refine the concept and help each other.

Creation: We did extensive user testing with different materials and designs to find the best solution and developed the first prototype of a wearable device, using the 4 laws of behavior change: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying.

Testing:  I wore the first set of wearables and gave one to my eldest daughter. Friends started wearing the prototypes, expanding the testing group.


Brand Concept and Evolution

Inspiration: Inspired by the concept of habit loops, the name "Loops" was chosen for its rhythmic, simple, and familiar qualities and the concept of breaking your loop!

The Proof: As more people wore the bracelets, we saw real changes in their habits. These weren’t just bracelets—they were cheerleaders and accountability partners helping women achieve their goals.

May – Now

Growth and Community Building

Vision and North Star: Seeing the positive effects of the bracelets, I was inspired to do more! Through visioning and meditation I set the intention for Loops Life: to empower women to transform their lives with the tools and resources they need to reach their highest potential.

Store Opening: We opened the Loops Life store for product purchases.

Community Launch: We launched the Loops Life Community, and are committed to building a thriving group of supporters and connectors, known as Loopers.